The first one I read was "Callum Fox and the Mousehole Ghost", a story about a boy (Callum), who is sent to Cornwall to spend the Summer with his grandparents. There he makes friends with a child-ghost (Jim), who turns out to have been a childhood friend of his grumpy grandfather. As the story progresses, it turns out that this ghost isn't the only one that Callum can see. He sees a whole range of ghosts, all of whom need his help to move on, away from their ghost status. Jim also needs Callum's help, because until his grandfather is happy and knows the truth about something that happened to them both, during the Second World War, he can't move on from being a ghost. This is such an interesting story. The descriptions of Mousehole, and it's history, the stories of evacuees during the war, and the detailed descriptions of tin mines, in particular Geevor Tin Mine. It is thoroughly
entertaining, and well-written.

Finally, I read "Twilight Ghost", a lovely ghost story, focusing on a young girl, who is unhappy because her family has had to move in with her grandmother, while her father works in Hong Kong to raise money for their own house. They have an Irish governess who tells them stories about twilight ghosts, who mean no harm, but exist because they are unable to move on until issues are resolved. Carrie was named Edwina Caroline, by her grandfather, who she never knew, but whose house it was
originally. She feels sad in the house, and feels there is something/someone in the attic. One day she goes up there, and discovers an old nursery, filled with old toys, and a diary, and there she learns what happened in he past, and understands why she has a twilight ghost. I like this story because it has wonderful descriptions of life in the early 1900s, particularly for children, both rich and poor. It was lovely the way the story unfolded, and I really enjoyed reading it.
I have just ordered two new books from Hive, a great online bookshop, where they give some of the commission to local book shops of your choice.