This book came as a recommendation. It also sat on our bookshelves for several years, calling out occasionally: 'read me; go on, read me; you'll enjoy it.' So I did. And in fairness the opening pages, even the first night's read, filled me with a familiar jealousy - Chabon can describe the minutiae of detail deliciously. Fortunately, or unfortunately, that experience then ended, and what came next was a determined trawl through a book that had all the dramatic tension of drying paint - drying paint with some self-indulgent self-disgust thrown in for laughs.
Anyway, the blurb and credits told me that Wonderboys is hilarious; so if you like Chabon's humour, go for it. Personally, I shall leave Chabon on the shelves, occasionally calling to me, for some time to come.
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