I had already posted a review about The Ordinary Tale of Captain Love, but I didn't do it justice, mainly because I was worried I would be accused of bias. But so what? The author is my husband, and I have just finished, this, his third novel, as yet unpublished, and I feel really excited and proud. I am quite fussy about books, and if they don't grip me, I am very shallow and move on to something more gripping. This was not the case with this tale. I struggled to put it down. My main concern with this story, and I say this very carefully, is that it might not suit the audience that likes the Richard and Judy or Oprah book recommendations, and so it might be tricky finding a publisher. However, a recent event has made me realise that there is a strong possibility that I am wrong.
A couple of weeks ago we attended an event organised by the School of Creative Startups, and the first session was a debate about the Business of Books. We actually went because I thought it was going to be about bookshops, but it was more about authors, agents, and the publishing industry. It was very interesting, but one thing that stood out for me was that publishers are looking for that something different, special. And that's when I realised that that is exactly what my husband has. It is a very creative and unusual story, with twists and turns into the lives of a range of unique characters. Although William is the main character, there are several other fabulous characters, including two policeman, who remind me of the two policemen in Much Ado About Nothing. This story has everything: unexpected death, celebrity scandals, genuine love, cultish religions, adventure in the form of a young girl seeking love from a weak manipulator, and very strong and believable characters, my favourite being Bertie, the misunderstood creative writing tutor, who has made his success via dark pirate stories. This book does have some controversial moments, such as the debate over the character of Bertie, and the cruel treatment of Sophie by David, but there are some characters who you will really treasure. It is a really good read, and a genuinely creative tale.